My thoughts

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hmm.. my feet is aching from all that walking in the ward.. I am really glad that my PRCP is coming to an end. Wow.. can't imagine, My 3 years of poly life is ending real soon.

In high spirit all day even though i was tired. Dunno why but life has been really good for me.. And i know it is the blessing of all the boddhisatvas that protect me. I guess it's time to find job as my mum said that i have to work for my own living. Sad but thats the truth la.. HAizx...

Many asked me to join AH as a staff nurse.. But i think likewise.. Told my mum my decision and she didn't force.. Boy am i glad..

I can't wait to meet Gina on friday to chit chat and gossip to update each other what have been happening recently.. hee MIss ya GINA!!!


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