My thoughts

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I have decided to sort out what's on my mind, troubling and haunting me for so long. I have finally made a decision. A clear decision. What's over , it's over. No point holding on to that little tiny winny bit of hope, which most probably doesn't even exist. What's real? Nothing seems true and real to me anymore. So I rather open up that illusion of mine and give myself another chance to breathe. Another exit where I have long forgotten. As I decide to make that big daring step of mine, everything changes. Even that burden in my head seems lighter. Unhappy things, stressful things are not weighing me down as much. Isn't that what I always wanted, I tell myself? My mood seems good. I look good too. Maybe like what others told me, it's how u feel that changes the way u look at things. Which seems almost true.

What's urs is urs. Don't force yourself and eluded youself everything is goanna be fine. Who knows the future right?
At the meantime, I am doing just fine.


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