My thoughts

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Well, just finish one week of attachment at Emergeacy dept of AH. It was enriching and i learn somwthing new everyday. However, there are not much life threatening case.. mostly are chest pain, laceration and fractures. Staff there are okie.. however, the culture there is different. things has to be done fast and efficient. no wasting of time standing around. It kinda suits me. But i believe i still prefer peads.

read Gina's blog.. she seems upset and hurt.. hopefully things are better for them.

Saw Sheena's tag.. so sweet of her to visit my blog. hehe~ :) Updated her URL

Dunno why but i feel very 'xin fu' now.. it seems to e that things are finally in place.. and i have time to plan for myself. My relationship is going well. My new found friends are totally cool. Really think we hitted it off.. believe we will be friends for a long time. haha..

Going for photo shots on Sunday.. haha.. kinda excited.. dunno what to expect for my 'transformation'. haha.. dunno what to wear too.. looking forward for it. Will post up the pics when its ready.. Sure u all wanna take a look at it.. Wink*

Recently watch two movies- Shark Tales and The forgotten.. or is it the unfogotten.. whatever it is.. both movies are great!! hehe.. shark tales was really comical and entertaining while the other one was really unepected and suspend. Will catch more movies like the incredibles, the princess dairy, the saw.. woah.. that seems really nice and bloody ...hehe

Hmm.. hoping for a gathering real soon.. with my sec sch friends.. really missed them a lot.. maybe i have to start hor.. if not they may not bother to... hmm.. what shall we do??


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