My thoughts

Thursday, January 04, 2007

What a start of the new year. It seems that this is a bad omen. Starting of the week and I am so busy with my work. It's driving me crazy with the hectic workload and i'm getting sick. Bodyache, hot flushes, headache and sore throat. My colleague on leave, Nursing officer on urgent leave. We are damn short-handed. How can i afford to take MC for the fact that there's 9 surgeries tomorrow?

Luckily, i managed to revive my computer. If not, i can't vent my frustration out. And perhaps it will be a teary night again. Thinking of him, thinking of stress at work and when will the blue sky recover from this dark gloomy sky.

Why am i so fucked up recently. Emotional and stuff. GUess what? I'm heartbroken. Ha. YOu might be wondering what the hell am i talkin about. Just said, I have been stupid enough to believe in the 'I will always be there' shit. How can u be always there?? Im in Central and U in the North. Concern? IS it just a mere concealer to cover up your indecisive nature? Well, only dum dum like me will innocently believe in that crap. Now i understand why im so bloody upset.

My head is bursting with overwhelming emotions. Things that happened last year and know we met and stuff.. How certain i was then that i wouldn't fall in love. YEt now, i'm hurted to the core of my heart. I will not let anyone in anymore. Why am i so silly to? Eventually, he managed to sneak in and make a mess to my world. Now, all he wants to is to be friends. Sorry but it's too painful to continue this friendship. There's too much uncertainties and insecurities.

I'm getting out. i need some distraction and space. Anyone to listen to my blab?


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