My thoughts

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Okie, finally gotten my macbook. something to distract me.. cos im new to mac system. In fact trying hard to figure out how to load this and that. Even now blogging seems different too. haha.. i got a cheap deal with the help of my friend. Thanks.. I own u. Anyway, this is the best distraction i can for this tough time i'm experiencing now.

Btw, decide to take up reading at the same time. How studious. LOL. Well, bought 2 books. One is the Little Prince, the other is Kira Kira. I'm going to embark on a reading campaign for myself. To read widely.. Especially good books. I loved reading when i was young, thats how i have gotten myopic. If not, i prolly would have prefect eyesight. Guess since my power will not increase, i shall start reading again. It's also another good distraction from him. =)

Watched 2 great movies this weekend. 'Borat' and 'Blood Diamonds'. Borat is humorous and disgustingly good for laugh. i remember when Azamat and Borat were fighting with each other naked scene was the most memorable. It's so funny... Gina n I laughed so much that we almost cried. While Blood Diamonds came as a unexpected good film on how people would kill even their own race just for the diamonds which was illegally exported to big nations. Poor kids robbed from their innocence self and learnt to use guns, take drugs and even to kill their own people. Sad but it's true. Go catch the movies if u haven't.

Sick as usual. Flu with sore throat. Well done april.

The bloody retainer is causing me pain. My teeth have shifted a little so there goes all the gum bleeding and stuff. So well done again.

My boss decide to ask me to take my resigning colleagues workload. So i will be stessed everyday with learning all the skills he had by 1 month. Well done. lol.

I'll be a dead man soon.


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