My thoughts

Monday, January 22, 2007

What's up recently.
Good news, okay. I know i have been quite down recently.. but things are changing for the better. =)

Gotten my new keyboard. It's a casio keyboard. Black. Chic and classy. And now i got the padder to practice on. Damn cool okie. HAha.. I'm so happy cos everynight it's a daily routine that i played the piano b4 i go to bed. It's therapeutic la.. It's soothe my stressful life to calm myself to sleep. No need for sleeping pills. heh.

I'm much getting use to my new laptop which is a white macbook. And i tell u being MAC-ed is cool. I'm still learning. But the basic is there. I'm getting use to the system though there's still a lot which i need to figure out. But boy am i glad i have this lappy to accompany me.

I finally gotten a new hair do. NEw hair. new image. new beginning. Happy to make a change. Won't be posting any pic of myself yet. It's still on it's way to a better look. Going to color it to something nice... The comments i'm getting it's quite good. So i'm satisfied. Well, give more details with the pic next time.

Went to the NDP audition. Hopefully i will manage to get in.. Joining the NDP is something i wanna do for quite sometime. So i can't wait to hear good news. BTW, my mum got in.. hehe. Another mother n daughter event together.

Just went to a member's wake. Just realise that it's been so long i went to someone's wake. In fact, i'm so glad that people around me is still alive and kicking. I can't imagine if one of my family relatives were to be dead. I might not be able to take it. I was reading one of my friend's blog and her cousin is struggling and fighting to live from the menace cancer. She's only in primary sch and she has to suffer so much. My heart went out to her and i decide to start to chant for her. including her into my daily prayers. That she will be comfortable and get better.

Recently caught a great movie- The illusionist. I would recommend this show. It's the twist at the end that makes me give a good rating. COs i love happy ending. haha.. I would say 3.5 stars out of 5. Grab ur good pals to watch the movie together.

So good things do comes...Hopefully more to come.
Smile =)


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